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F. LENZERINI / A.F. VRDOLJAK, International Law for Common Goods: Normative Perspective on Human Rights, Culture, and Na- ture, Hart Publishing, Oxford, 2014, 448 pp., ISBN: 978-1-84946- 519-9McDevitt, D.2015
D. O’BRIEN, The Constitutional Systems of the Commonwealth Caribbean: A Contextual Analysis (Constitutional Systems of the World), Hart Publishing, 2014, 328 pp., ISBN-10: 184946152X, ISBN-13: 978-1849461528Georges, A.2015
M.I. LICHBACH, Democratic Theory and Causal Methodology in Comparative Politics, University of Maryland, Cambridge Univer- sity Press, 2013, 232 pp., ISBN: 978-1-107-62235-7McDevitt, D.2015
D. ANAGNOSTOU (ed.), Rights and Courts in Pursuit of Social Change: Legal Mobilisation in the Multi-Level European System, Hart Publishing, 2014, 218 pp., ISBN: 978-1-84946-390-4MacKenzie, H.2015
R. THWAITES, The Liberty of Non-citizens: Indefinite Detention in Commonwealth Countries, Hart Publishing, Oxford, 2014, 352 pp., ISBN: 978-1-84946-431-4Van Besouw, S.2015
M. J. PERRY, Human Rights in the Constitutional Law of the United States, Cambridge University Press, 2013, 192 pp., ISBN: 9781107666085 (paperback), ISBN: 9781107038363 (hardcover)Kumar, V.2015
W. E. CONKLIN, Statelessness: The Enigma of the International Community, First Edition, Hart Publishing, 2014, 380 pp., ISBN: 978-1-84946-507-6 (Hardback)Flores Kuri, M.2015
M. AMOS, Human Rights Law, Hart Publishing, 2014, 705 pp., ISBN: 978-1-84946-380-5Navarrete, J.2015
T. RISSE / S. C. ROPP / K. SIKKINK, The Persistent Power of Human Rights, Cambridge University Press, 2013, 374 pp., ISBN: 978- 1107-60936-7 (Hardback), 978-1-107-60936-5 (Paperback)Plummer, A.2015
F. DESSEMONTET, Intellectual Property Law in Switzerland, 2nd edition, Kluwer Law International / Stämpfli Publishers, 2013, 212 pp., ISBN: 978-90-411-5151-3 (Kluwer), 978-3-7272-7737-5 (Stämpfli)O’Brien, M.2015
Results 11-20 of 24